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Re: road trips

To: "David Massey" <>
Subject: Re: road trips
From: "levilevi" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 21:33:11 -0700
Cc: "[unknown]" <>, "David Massey" <>, "Fred Thomas" <>
References: <>
Sure, my would love the idea of another TR (that'd make five or six if Linda
brings the 3) sitting on the lot...not.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Massey" <>
To: "levilevi" <>
Cc: "[unknown]" <>; "David Massey"
<>; "Fred Thomas" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: road trips

> Message text written by "levilevi"
> >Hey, if I HAD brains to fry I wouldn't have been driving in 105 degree
> weather without AC!!!   Twice no less!!!  Like I said I learn the hard
> But this year it'll be a nice cool 50 minute drive from my house to
> Breckenridge.  See ya all at VTR 2001...make those reservations now and
> register early and often!!
> <
> 50 minutes?  Can I stay at your house?  Dave

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