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Re: road trips (& selective attention)

Subject: Re: road trips (& selective attention)
From: "" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:44:06 FILETIME=[650C45E0:01C07FC2]
>That being said - yes, I do feel that at the relatively young age of
>26, my hearing is somewhat impaired.  SWMBO certainly thinks so.  The
>open top and the loud exhaust on my Spitfire may well have
>contributed to this, though I've also certainly attended some loud
>concerts (if you can call rock band performances concerts).
>My $.02.

   Dan and all, I have been wearing ear plugs for extended trips in my
   TR for years... It helps a great deal. I still can hear what's going
   on in the engine room but those semis I'm passing or vice versa
   aren't as painful... Any everything doesn't sound like it's packed in
   cotton for hours once the trip is over.

   RE: wives and losing your hearing... A while back my wife (the doctor)
   was convinced that I was going deaf. She claimed I couldn't hear her
   whe she talked to me and it must have been because of my "hobby".
   Not only did I work on and drive "loud sporty cars, I took pictures
   of even louder sporty cars at race tracks... proof positive that I
   was going deaf! To keep peace in my house I agreed to have an
   extensive hearing exam, the results of which revealed that my hearing
   was quite normal for an old fart my age. My primary care doc upon
   reviewing the results stated me "Well, I can see that you hear
   everthing you want to."

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois       1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...


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