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RE: Is Truimph coming back

To: "Bowen, Patrick" <>
Subject: RE: Is Truimph coming back
From: David Massey <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 12:20:01 -0500
Cc: "[unknown]" <>, "'Michael D. Porter'" <>, "[unknown]" <>
Message text written by "Bowen, Patrick"
>Eight or nine years ago would anyone have thought they would bring back
MG, and don't forget it was BMW that just brought back the Mini. 

Brought back?  The Mini is still in production in the traditional format. 
By other players, no less.  BMW styled a car to look like a Mini, on a
platform similar to a Mini (there are few cars in production today that
aren't similar to a mini (eg front wheel drive, transvers mounted engine,
etc)) and is riding the coat tails of the Mini enthusiasm.  Not a leap of
faith here.  

BMW once was a small, hungry, bunch of enthusiasts turning out exciting
cars.  Anymore they are as conservative and stodgy as any American car
company was in the 70's.  They have just found themselves in a high priced
niche and can't seem to break out of it.

Just my opinion.


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