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RE: Polarizing the voltage regulator

Subject: RE: Polarizing the voltage regulator
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 18:51:38 -0800
Susan :

Hot side of the battery to the field winding will do.

One painless and relatively spark-free way is to remove the cover from the
regulator, start the engine, and manually depress the armature on the cutout
relay.  If that makes no sense, then use the factory method of temporarily
connecting a jumper from the battery hot terminal to the 'F' terminal on the

Note that it's not the regulator that gets polarized, but the generator itself.
When you start the engine, the design relies on residual magnetism left in the
generator housing to generate enough voltage to make the cutout relay pull in.
The 'polarization' process creates the magnetism with the right polarity.


Susan Tucker wrote :
>    My TR4 system has been converted to negative groung.  Can anyone tell me
> how to polarize the voltage regulator and generator?

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