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TR3 Measuremnt of Grill opening

To: "TRlist" <>
Subject: TR3 Measuremnt of Grill opening
From: "Pat" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 20:22:39 -0800
With no options left... I have resigned myself to beating my poor front
apron into good enough shape to accept a gallon of bondo or so <G>

I could really use some measurements of the opening of the mouth for the
grill (TR3A). If you could referance for me the start and stop points that
would be great.

A measurement of the how high the grill is in say the middle and each third
or something would really help as well.

The problem is that the somewhat banged up grill I have misses fitting by
about 1/2" to 3/4" at the middle. Which makes me think I may have a
reproduction grill that are known not to fit but I have no way of knowing
with out a "True" grill to compare it to.

Thanks, Pat

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