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Ever important maintenance...

To: "Triumph List" <>, "MG List" <>
Subject: Ever important maintenance...
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 12:44:24 -0500
Well, now that is winter in most of the country... I suggest everyone check the
air pressure in their spare tyres!  Because dammit, it is freaking cold out when
you have to walk home knowing that you managed to get one flat by chance, and
the other flat from the stupidity.

Also, if you're like me the MGs and TRs have been "away" for about seven weeks
now... and the winter car comes out.  Well just when you think your MG or TR
might save the day (after your winter car gets two flats), the battery is down!
(hmmm... recent thread on TR list about battery condition in cold weather a


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