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Re:TR3 top installation

Subject: Re:TR3 top installation
From: francois wildi <>
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 09:22:08 -0800 (PST)
I did one a couple of years ago and I am about to do a second one
soon. And without any special tools.
Here is how I proceed:
- begin on the windscreen side and move for the center to the edges.
Adjust the tenax one by one. The top must be tight but not too tight
so you don't amadge the tenax when you plug them. You can buy a
special tool to tighten the bottom end of the tenax but you can use a
circlip "plier" too.
-follow by the back side, center to edge again, adjusting one by one
again. You do not need anything to fit the "lit-the-dot" fasteners.
You just slit the top fabric, push the top part of the fastener
through and fold the little tongues over the bottom part.

Just a note. I put "span-set" type spanners on the back side of my
top fram webbings. It is certainely not original but I can fold the
fram forward, put the top on and span it AFTERWARDS without effort.
This is the onlt way my wife could put the top on and it will save a
couple of years of your life, especially if you have to put the top
on a cold day...

Francois Wildi


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