Just found the following...
Eastwood does specify after all: "Do not use an oven used for food
preparation or located in a living area! Do not use a gas oven."
From: "Michael Ferguson" <fergie@ntplx.net>
To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Home Powder Coating
Date: Sun, Dec 10, 2000, 10:05 PM
Since FT hasn't yet chimed in, I'll tell you what he told me..."Don't even
THINK about putting a PC oven in your basement!" (or words to that effect.)
Eastwood doesn't come right out and say that, but they do say...
"Set up work area to allow for good ventilation."
"You must have access to an electric oven or toaster oven other than the one
used for food, as mildly toxic fumes are liberated from the powder while
Michael Ferguson