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Re: TR6 engines

Subject: Re: TR6 engines
From: "J.H. Roulleaux" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 12:37:26 +0100
Date sent:              Thu, 07 Dec 2000 12:45:35 -0800
From:                   "Hill, Stephen M EDUC:EX" <>
Subject:                TR6 engines
To:                     "''" <>
Send reply to:          "Hill, Stephen M EDUC:EX" <>

I am looking at maximizing the performance from a TR6 engine. How much can
these engines be bored out? Does this produce much of an increase in power?
Also, how difficult or expensive is it to get pistons -  presumably they
would be limited production item? Thanks for any suggestions.

Stephen, I think you can get 250HP out of the engine without any problem,
but think here about an investment of many,many $$$$$$.
Just some figures: forged alu pistons + 2mm / 6 at around 160$      
                         : H section conrods/ 6 at around 250$ each
                         : crankshaft : plus/minus 2500$
                         : roller rockers about 475$
                           plus tax
and all this parts remain invisible,add the price of the visible engine 
parts yourself and don't forget suspension and brakes uprating
Try your request with Cambridge Motorsport, you will be 
flabbergasted about what you hear.
What I know of, a 250HP engine alone will cost you here in Europe 
around 80$ per HP.
Sorry to disappoint you (maybe) ???
Jean  from Europe

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