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In-line filter

Subject: In-line filter
From: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 13:33:23 -0600
You can buy a metal (no plastic) in-line filter at most places.
(maybe even Wal-Mart)
Make sure the input/output hose size is correct.
I have one on the output of my tank so no dirt
gets into my fuel pump or carbs.  It has been there for
many years.  When you install it
make sure the hose between the tank and the filter is
a few inches long so you can pinch off the gas when
you change the filter.  Also keep it up near the frame
of the car so the line won't be knocked loose while driving.
For extra fun, put one of those clear glass in-line filters
between the pump and the carbs.  This lets you know if
the carbs are getting fuel. (very handy when your car won't
start or quits running.)

>I wanted to put a simple in-line filter in the gas line just after it comes
>out of the tank and periodically change it just as extra protection. In
>checking with my closest auto parts store, however, they only have ones that
>specifically need to go near the carbs because they work on pressure to some
>degree. Can I get just some simple device that can go where I want it to go,
>do what I want it to do, and not overwork the fuel pump?
>65 4A


Brian Borgstede                 I
Telecommunications Engineer,                 I  '68 Triumph
University of Missouri, St. Louis       I
Instructional Technology Center I          TR-250
Phone:  (314) 516-6433          I       (or 2 or more)
Fax:  (314) 516-5294            I

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