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ranting over politics

To: "Dave Terrick" <>
Subject: ranting over politics
From: David Massey <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 19:22:00 -0500
Cc: "triumph list" <>
Message text written by "Dave Terrick"
>Now,  for anyone out there that does NOT get that this is a
parody of real history and the crap of late on this list...... please flame
away.  I'll just disappear.  Maybe.  I think we are all a bit burned out on
everything political, what with you trying to elect a President and us a
full government.....

Speaking of elections it appears that the sepatationist in Quebec have lost
ground.  I am a bit disappointed.  I figure that someday Quebec will
secede.  When that happens the maritime provinces - Nova Scotia,
Newfoundland, etc - will be geographically isolated and will petition to
join the United States whom they are geographically connected.  Then
Alberta and Saskatchewan will feel like they have more in common with
Montana and North Dakota and will follow suit.  That will leave Ontario,
Manitoba and BC all on their own and BC will be isolated by over 1000 miles
from neighboring Manitoba and will also become state #58 and Ontario and
Manitoba will then throw in the towel.  And the US will extend it's borders
right to the Polar Sea!  We'll merge the Yukon with Alaska and give the
Northwest Territories back to the Inuit.

After all that we will officially recognize that Spanish really is the
second language of the continent and adopt it as such.  This will lead to
more interest in our latin neighbor to the south and we will annex Mexico
(don't laugh.  there's a precedent).  And then...

The United States of North America.

And you heard it here first.



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