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Re:Brake lines

To: <>
Subject: Re:Brake lines
From: "Adrian Jones" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 20:49:04 -0500
Hi All,
FWIW, I've just completed replacing the clutch line in my MG MIdget this
weekend, after it started leaking.

I took the old line to all the auto stores in town but nobody could match the
"end fittings".

In the end, I purchased 5' of line (for about $5), cut off the fiitings and
used my old fittings.  I had to double flare the pipe after putting on the old
fittings (Purchased a Double flaring tool from Carquest for about $45, made in
Bent the tubing to shape, using a $5 tool, and bled the system yesterday
evening.  Miracle of miracles, the system did not leak!!!!!!!!!

Was going to test drive it today but we've had the first snow of the season
today would you believe.

Incidentally, someone is selling Snap-On double flaring tools on Ebay -
they're going for $40-50.

Regards,  Adrian

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