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Re: Use of relay in headlight circuit

Subject: Re: Use of relay in headlight circuit
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 13:14:10 EST
In a message dated 11/18/2000 12:03:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I'm puzzled.  Why do you recommend getting headlight power from the
> battery side of the ammeter ?  It both introduces extra voltage drop
> (through the ammeter and connections), and causes the headlight current


A lapse in judgement!  Perhaps that's why I hadn't sent it out sooner - I 
hadn't thought it through yet (most likely, though, a momentary brain fade on 
my part).

This just points out my real concern with adding relays. In principle, it 
sounds like a good idea, but when faced with the reality of the physical 
wiring arrangement, it may not always be such a good idea. Unless you follow 
through with ALL the needed upgrades - wire size, connections, etc-  you may 
not gain anything.

If you just pull the wires from the headlight switch and the dimmer switch, 
and insert the relay into the circuit, you haven't replaced much of the 
original cause of the problem. 

Unless you wire the power input to the relay directly to the alternator lead, 
you will still have a great deal of the original wiring still in the circuit. 
Wiring directly to the alternator lead is not a bad idea, IF it's done right. 
However, this is NOT the place to have shoddy connections. There is no spare 
terminal available to connect to, so the main lead will have to be spliced 
into with the relay lead.

In fact, this points out a concern for ANY wiring modifications. What may 
appear to be a simple change may creat more problems than it solves. I know 
better than to connect the relay to the battery side of the ammeter (in fact, 
I have a web site <> talking about 
this subject - with input from you), but I suggested it anyway, which just 
shows you can't be too careful.

Thanks for pointing that out - hope my boo-boo didn't cause anyone any grief.

Dan Masters
Alcoa, Tennessee

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