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Re: Road Race

To: David Massey <>
Subject: Re: Road Race
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 16:58:12 -0700
Cc: Phil Ethier <>, "Triumph Internet Mail List." <>
References: <>
I had a friend back in the mid 80's who had the job of "Big Tex" (the greeter) 
in that very steak house.  He was almost 7 feet tall and
told me that even he could not finish the meal!


David Massey wrote:
> Message text written by "Phil Ethier"
> >>I have a question.  Do I need a visa to visit the Republic of Texas?
> I did.  I used my VISA card to pay for a motel in Waco.  I didn't ask if
> they take American Express.
> <
> Back in '76 I was in Amarillo and I went to the Texan (or Big Texan or
> something like that) restaraunt and tried to eat their 72 oz steak (if you
> can eat it it's free).  72 oz!  That's 4 1/2 lbs!  (2 kilos!)  That's
> enough meat to feed a whole family.  it is more than some families eat in a
> YEAR!  It was too much for me.  Good steak, though.
> Dave
> P.S. I think I paid for that with Master Card.

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