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Re: GT6: Mini-spare and Battery Box Relocate?

Subject: Re: GT6: Mini-spare and Battery Box Relocate?
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 22:53:40 -0800
References: <>
"Martin A. Secrest" wrote:
> Has anyone found one of those cute mini-spare tires modern cars often
> come with that fits the GT6/Spitfire bolt pattern?  I'm thinking about
> getting that big heavy thing out of my boot -- 

In addition to bolt pattern, make sure the wheel does not foul the front
brake calipers.  I found a Nissan "mini spare" that almost fit my TR3
(sorry, no clue what car it came from), but wouldn't clear the brakes. 
Sure glad I didn't have to find that out on the side of the road !


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