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Silver lives and drives!!!

To: "spitlist" <>
Subject: Silver lives and drives!!!
From: "Dave Terrick" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 21:34:14 -0600
Cc: "triumph list" <>
Uh huh.  I did.   Except for the colour you would not know it was not "AGT",
but it made it 1.5 miles to the Buggy Bath coin op carwash and back, under
cover of darkness (note that Lucas lit the way, it was not THAT dark).

How it ever started with one float seized open (serious flooding!) and the
other with the float ok but the jet completely plugged with spoo!  Anyway,
apart they came, eventually and cleaned up they were.  The clutch was still
inoperative so I dug into my spares and found a spare 5/8 m/c.... who says
being a packrat doesn't pay?  A bit of bleeding and I was able to determine
that after 15 years of sitting the clutch was NOT stuck.  All 4 gears are
quiet, the shifter is tight, and no u joints appear seized.

The rotoflex are shot, the wheels are badly out of round from sitting, both
rear shocks have broken from their mounts, but did I care?  Not a chance~!

About 2 gallons passed through the car as I carefully blipped the throttle
to ease the beast back to life and after the first thermostat opening, the
car behaved at idle quite nicely.  The carbs are not seriously worn and they
still have all the emissions plugs in place.  The vacuum units were stuck so
I did an by-ear timing to get the car happy.  Flat till the 20 year old
Michelins decided to break loose on the hardpack snow on the side roads, the
throttle response was good - great for after a 15 year sleep.

I must say that the character of Silver is VERY different from ol' yeller
the racing car. Silver has never been bent or apart and you can tell.
Despite horrible roads and a seized suspension there were fewer rattles and
bangs than my daily driver!  The instrument needles are rock steady, the
cowl does not shake, the relatively large leather wrapped wheel felt all too
delicate compared with a Momo wheel.  Still, the car had a very luxurious
feel to it - much like a baby Jag.  Yeller has always had an attitude so
this is new to me.  I am SERIOUSLY looking forward to a fresh suspension and
tires next spring.  Indeed, if I can keep my mind on business I may even
have $'s to paint her before VTR.  How can I not?

Soon I will post jpegs on an ultra simple webpage for anyone who cares to
have a peek - many have asked for photos already.  I'll keep you all posted.

Dave T much for "never winter driven"

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