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Winter (was: Server interruptions)

Subject: Winter (was: Server interruptions)
From: Douglas Frank <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 14:31:57 -0500
References: <> <>
"Larry R. Metz" wrote:
> Multiseason weather areas, a Triumph is not a
> comfortable and reliable choice for daily driver


My first daily driver was a GT6.  It got me through two yankee
winters, no trouble at all.  Maybe it's not the badge, but the
roof, that's letting you down!  :-)

Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp.  Lead, n.  A metal, useful as
ZKO           110 Spit Brook Rd.      counterpoise to an argument
603-884-0501  Nashua, NH USA 03062    otherwise unanswerable.

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