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Re: Weak at low rpm

Subject: Re: Weak at low rpm
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 00:53:15 -0800
References: <>
In order :
Valve lash
ignition timing
valve timing
valve lift

My guess would be compression, I think you'll find the 74.5 to be in an
advanced state of wear.  Your description sounds exactly like a TR3 I
owned once, that turned out to have only 30-60 psi in each cylinder. 
The wear on the cylinder walls was visible from 5 feet away and the
bearing inserts had no white metal left at all ...

But, it pulled really good between 3500 and 4000 <g>


Joe Dill wrote:
> OK, smooth move #9999.
> I decided I needed a TR6 so I bought two 'TR6 project cars (running).
> I've noticed the '74 has good power at low rpms, easily taking off from
> a start or cruising at 40mph in 4th gear.  The '74-1/2 needs to rev
> considerably more around 3000 to 4000 rpm to barely begin moving from a
> stop and the engine lags in 4th at 40mph.  Both engines sound similar
> standing still except the '74-1/2 has louder exhaust and also has a much
> stiffer clutch (both cars supposedly have replaced clutches and are high
> mileage).  Any suggestions regarding areas to check first???
> Thanks,
> Joe in LA

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