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Re: hydraulics

Subject: Re: hydraulics
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 23:20:07 -0800
References: <005101c046e8$1da9d400$>
Alan :

IMO, you can reap some of the benefits of silicone fluid by just topping
up the MC with it.

However, to get the full benefit, you need to be sure that all of the
DOT 3 is removed, and IMO the only sure way to do that is to disassemble
and clean every piston and cylinder.  Then, since the seals are cheap
compared to the labor to R&R them, you might as well replace them.

But, when I switched my motorhome to DOT 5 many years ago, I put back
the seals that were leaking, cleaned only that one caliper, and just
bled DOT 5 through the other cylinders.  It's been fine ever since. 
(Curiously enough, it's harder to find parts for my 76 Dodge motorhome
than it is my 59 Triumph !)


Alan wrote:
> i have been thinking about changing to silicone bake fluid, but was told i
> would have to replace my whole brake system, which seemed like a bit much.
> Is it possible to flush out dot 3 with silicone or dot 5.
> thanks
> al salvatore

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