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Re: Cleaning out the hydraulics

Subject: Re: Cleaning out the hydraulics
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 10:35:12 EST
In a message dated 11/02/2000 10:10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> You also neglected to mention that DOT 5 does not absorb moisture the way
>  DOT 4 will....

[I swore I wouldn't participate in another endless thread (more like the list 
equivalent of a Mobius strip) after unwittingly helping to perpetuate the 
great "which Triumph is best/worst and why do we all have so many shoes, er, 
cars?" thread, but....]

FWIW, the "LMA" in Castrol GT LMA stands for "low moisture absorption"; it's 
worked pretty well for me for a number of years. I won't even say how long 
it's been in the brake and clutch systems of a certain autocross car of mine 
that, in recent years, has seen less sunlight than most trailer queens. 
Suffice it to say that a full fluid change has not taken place since George 
W.'s father was running for President. :-)

And GT LMA is pretty cheap compared to any of the silicone fluids, and it has 
a higher boiling point than many silicone fluids, and it flushes away with 
water when I spill it, and I can use it in some anti-lock brake systems where 
use of silicone fluid is NOT recommended by the manufacturers, and...

...and I'm sure someone will have just as many arguments FOR silicone 
fluid...and so it goes, on and on.... :-)

--Andy Mace

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