Message text written by David Templeton
>Okay but I remember seeing the actuators for the flaps. Can these be taken
off? On mine these are very rusted but the parts car ones are almost new
The reason I asked about the heater box in mine is also rusted. Probably a
victim of a leak. So my thought was to take the better box.
I hope this clears up my thoughts.
I have taken one out but it was during the process of parting out the car.
I don't know how much you have to remove to get it out. Perhaps only the
transmission cover and the glove box. There are a few bolts holding it to
the firewall and out it comes.
Sorry for my flippant response earlier. I was caught up in some silliness
about off topics. Besides I was trying to buy some time to look at the
heater out in the garage but here I am still at work. So I am guessing.
Good Luck