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Re: TR-3A winshield installation

Subject: Re: TR-3A winshield installation
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 16:27:50 -0700
Cc: Triumphs <>
References: <>

Dennis & Bridget Lambert wrote:
> Should I assemble the frame around the glass,  screw the stanchions to
> the frame, then bolt the whole assembly onto the car? 

That's the way I've always done mine, and it seems to work well. 
Reverse of the disassembly and all that <g>  Be careful with the
stanchion to windshield bolts, they aren't all the same length, and
using one that is too long can break the glass.
> Also, on page 61 of the Moss catalogue, it shows item #57, "corner
> finisher".  These were not on my car when I disassembled the
> windshield,  nor can I figure how they would attach.  Are these
> critical?  Can I do without them?  Apparently the DPO did.

Don't think they are critical.  Basically they clamp the rubber seal
(between the windshield and body) to the stanchion, to prevent a water
leak in this area.  Considering where you live, I don't think it's a
problem <g>

If you look at the stanchion in the highly curved area that matches the
curve of the scuttle, above the groove for the stanchion to body sealing
rubber (which Moss does not list), you should see two holes, about 3/8"
apart.  There are two small screws (also not listed) that go through the
'finisher', through the windshield to body rubber seal, and into those
holes.  (Unless of course the holes are full of broken off screw, as my
stanchion from the parts bin is <g>)  The screws appear to be factory
P/N YJ.2182

59 TR3A

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