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The parts that fall off this car...

Subject: The parts that fall off this car...
From: "Roger Colson" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 21:18:25 -0400
Hello fellow Listers,

Tonight while testing my TR3 I hit a pushed up pile of asphalt at the 
edge of a bridge join.  Just like hitting a speed bump at 30 MPH. 

When I came down I heard my left door capping clattering into on-
coming traffic.  Needless to say that when I retrieved the capping piece 
it was a little flatter than normal.

I know,  I know, why wasn't it fastened down?  The car came with two 
right hand and no left hand capping pieces.  Until I could obtain a 
capping piece I had the second right hand piece on top of the door.  To 
fit, the capping piece was turned around so that the long side that 
screwed into the wood was on the outside.  I did not want to put extra 
holes in the outside of the door, so the capping piece did not get 

What I would like is a source for a left hand capping piece for a TR3.  
Not the TR3-A style.  This piece was aluminum with a rubber cylinder 
glued on top and then covered with trim.

Thank you for listening.


Roger Colson
57 TR3  TS21383L

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