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new TR8 and a sign-off

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: new TR8 and a sign-off
From: "The Brooks'" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 11:43:05 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal

Last weekend I brought home a 1980 TR8.  The body is in good shape, the
price was outstanding, but the mechanicals need some freshening up before I
am comfortable putting this beasty back on the road after it's seven year
hiatus.  Unlike our TR3, it has those new fangled roll up windows, which I
still feel are a passing fad, but I'm willing to give it a try. <smile>

Unfortunately, due to time constraints with the family, the TR's, work, and
all the stuff I need to do around the house (in that order), it has become
necessary to sign off the Triumph list.  As you are aware, as wonderful as
this list is, it can be a major time expenditure.  Having been involved
with this list for about six or so years, although not as actively recently
as a few years ago, this was a really difficult decision.

I appreciate all the help I have gotten over the years and the wonderful
people we've (Susan and I) gotten to know in our cyber-world, as well as at
a number of Triumph events.  I'll also miss being able to help out, because
helping out is now the most rewarding part of my involvement with the list.

It's been great.  Hopefully I'll be back in a little while.

Please don't hesitate to drop me a post.  I'm signing off the list, but
I'll be here, just going to be out in the garage keeping up on the 3 and
getting the 8 on the road.

Best regards,

Jack Brooks
Hillsdale, NJ
1960 TR3A
1980 TR8
1974 Norton 850 Commando Roadster

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