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A twist to fan blades?

To: TR List <>
Subject: A twist to fan blades?
From: J&E <>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 11:44:25 -0500
Hi List!
        I have been following different fan related topics for several years
now. Some of the topics are. balancing, changing to tropicial fans, more
blades per fan, converting to electric fans, fan schrouds. In all the
topics, one of many theimes (sp) runs through out: "increase cooling
effency". But I have not found anyone suggesting - Bending or 'twisting'
the fan blades.
        I know one of the ways to increase 'air flow' on ceiling fans is to
change the pitch. 10 degree pitch will Not move as much air as say a 18
degree pitch, keeping all thing equall. Therefore has anyone tried
twisting the fan blade to a greater pitch to increase a greater draw of
air to cause a greater "air flow" through the radator? -Cosmo Kramer

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