Message text written by John Howard
>The new engine now starts with a touch and idles pretty well. On the
road, it seems very strong, but I haven't really tested it yet. The
unknown gearbox with OD I installed also seem OK. So, that's progress.
But, I didn't expect the run-on after shutting off the inition. I can
only shut it off by choking the carbs hard. Some may remember that I
shaved the head, installed a "D" cam, and the larger pistons, plus
uprated valves and springs. I gather I need to burn hi-test, so added a
few gallons to the regular that was in the tank. That did no good. So
will I have to add the octane additive recently referred to on the List,
buy jet fuel, or what? Anything else I might be doing?
Many thanks, John Howard
Don't buy Jet fuel. It;s the same as diesel! And you diesel well enough
as it is.
The cheap and dirty way to prevent dieseling is to put the car in gear
(fourth is prefered) and let out the clutch at the same time you switch
Else, you could pull the head back off and check the combustion chamber for
obvious hot spots and grind them smooth.