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RE: Wiring TR3 from scratch or not ?

Subject: RE: Wiring TR3 from scratch or not ?
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 23:10:43 EDT
In a message dated 8/17/2000 6:26:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Mark Gendron 

>  My plan is to install some "stealth fuses" that will offer additional
>  protection, but not detract from originality. For example, there appears to
>  be sufficient space to install an inline fuse on each horn, by locating it
>  inside the horn unit itself, under the dome.


Placing the fuses for the horns inside the horn would almost completely 
defeat the purpose of having the fuses in the first place.  Remember, the 
purpose of fuses is NOT to protect the end device (the horns in this case), 
but to protect the WIRE from the power source to the device. For this reason, 
the fuse should be placed as close to the power source as possible. 

If you place the fuses inside the horns, the wiring will only be protected 
from a short inside the horns. Should the wire contact ground anywhere 
outside the horns, there would be no protection at all, and you would have a 
meltdown at best, a fire at worst. A short to ground inside the horn is not 
nearly as likely to occur as a short on the wiring outside the horn.

Always, ALWAYS, place the fuse as near the power source as you can, stealth 
or otherwise. Make sure the fuse is rated NO HIGHER than the amp rating of 
the wire (or wires) it is protecting.

Dan Masters
Triumph TR 250 - TR6 Electrical Maintenance Handbook

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