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Re: Tr250 Parts needed

To: "Joe Curry" <>
Subject: Re: Tr250 Parts needed
From: "Jerry Oliver" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:01:32 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "triumphs list" <>
References: <000701c007a8$e5178d40$> <>
Joe (and list)
No, I didn't bring it up, except for a couple of items I was looking for at
the time. I have empathy for someone running their own business, as I do
too. I think Charles deserves to be cut some slack. I deal with a number of
vendors in my business. I've run into so many people who work for a large
company/corporation that simply don't care about having pride in what they
do and provide such lousy service and products. I often think, am I the only
one that bust his but every time for every customer? The only exception for
me is when a very few customers gets hostile or extremely rude. In my
younger days, I would respond with equal anger, but now I smile and agree
with them...drives the nutty ones crazy. I think people that are demanding
from the firms they deal with should double check how they are doing with
their own  customers. I swear, seems like were living in France about 1958:
everyone is rude, insolent, intolerant and incompetent...of course, except
me <grin>. Man, I am getting old.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Curry" <>
To: "Jerry Oliver" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Tr250 Parts needed

> Jerry, Did you talk to Charles about the "out of stock" issue?  I saw you
talking to him at VTR!  :)
> Joe
> Jerry Oliver wrote:
> >
> > Hi everybody
> >  I'm in need of couple of parts that TRF is out stock on (real shocker):
> > need the lower radiator steel pipe and the Windshield washer switch.
> > even take on that doesn't work so there's no whole in  the dash.
> > Thanks
> > Jerry Oliver
> > Olympia, WA

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