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Re: Gymkhana VS Autocross

Subject: Re: Gymkhana VS Autocross
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 09:35:49 +0000
References: <> wrote:
> Ok, I'm familiar with Solo-II, I take it that all three are similar with
> varying degrees of differences i.e. Solo-II two cars at a time racing on
> mirror courses driving against the clock and each other while driving through
> obstacles and autocross is one car at a time against the clock on a coures,
> which makes both a gymkhana.  HaveI understood this correctly?

Here's what the SCCA Solo Rules (1999) says about that:

A Category I Solo Event is one in which there is an absence of direct 
car-against-car competition; where maximum protection is afforded
to spectators and property; where driver protection requirements are 
substantially the same as for racing; which requires licensing of
drivers.  Category I events shall include, but are not limited to, hillclimbs, 
time trials, acceleration runs, Solo Trials and special
Solo I events.  Category I events require sanction by the SCCA and are 
conducted under the standards set forth in the SIR's and basic
standards generally applicable to speed events.

A Category II Solo Event is a non-speed driving skill contest such as, but not 
limited to, autocrosses and slaloms.  These events are
run on short courses that emphasize the driver's ability and the car's handling 
and agility.  Competition licenses are not required,
and hazards to spectators, participants and property do not exceed those 
encountered in normal, legal highway driving.  All Category II
events must be sanctioned by the SCCA, Inc.  The Solo II Rules (SIIR) are 
mandatory for use in SCCA Solo II Divisional, Tour, and
National Championship events, and standards set forth in the SIIR's must be 
adhered to by all SCCA regions who organize, sponsor, and
co-sponsor, or sanction a Solo II Event.

So, although I have seen mirror courses used, each course only has one car on 
it at a time.  But that mirror image thing is not used
very often.


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