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Re: TR8 Radio - working under dash

To: The Hubbards <>
Subject: Re: TR8 Radio - working under dash
From: Brian Kemp <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 17:11:29 -0700
Cc: Triumph list <>
References: <>
The Hubbards wrote:

> However, I don't want to be too picky Odd, but how the hell does one lie
> flat on one's back in any
> car, let alone a TR?


One trick is to use some sort of platform beside the car to help support your
weight.  Think of this as something like a hard sided suitcase or something
padding the a ramp.  Place this in the door opening and use it to support your
backside as ease yourself under the dash.  This extra support makes the reverse
limbo you do to get under the dash a bit easier.

Brian Kemp
72 TR6

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