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Re: Dave Massey's updates

To: David Massey <>
Subject: Re: Dave Massey's updates
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 08:14:04 -0500
Cc: Blake Discher <>, TR List <>
References: <>
Dave (and all)
Please let it be known that due to a classification screw-up, I was put
in Brad and Andy's class.  I should have been placed in modified since I
have an uprated engine.  As a result Andy gave Brad his award and
therefore I am attempting to contact the PTOA to see if there are any
left over awards (classes that had no entries) so that we can have Andy
sent a First Place award instead of going home empty handed.

If they don't have any extras I will buy him one!


David Massey wrote:
> Message text written by Blake Discher
> >Hey Dave...
> You may not be a journalist, but I (and I think everyone else on the list)
> sure have enjoyed your VTR trip updates.  I've been on the list now for
> about a year and although I am a "newbie" about Triumph stuff and don't
> post much, you guys/gals sure have helped me to learn a lot!  Your updates
> were a great way to sort of "join in the fun" of a road trip in one of
> these old beauties!  I enjoyed it a lot.
> Thanks again,
> Blake Discher
> <
> Thanks,  glad you like them.  It does take quite a bit of time, though.
> One correction, though, I reported that Andy Mace took third in the
> autocross.  That should have read second (sorry, Andy.  Good job).
> Dave

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