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Rally in PA 8/26/00

Subject: Rally in PA 8/26/00
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 15:52:11 EDT
Sports Car Club of America
Philadelphia Region Motorsports Weekend


Saturday, August 26, 2000
A Game Rally.  
Start at McDonalds Restaurant, 651 Nutt Rd., Phoenixville, PA.

The Second day of the Philly Region SCCA Motorsports Weekend.
$15.00 per car for SCCA or Brandywine Motorsports Club members, 
$20.00 per car for non-members. 
EVERYONE is welcome!

Registration opens at 10:00 a.m. -  First car off at 12:01 p.m.

A Game rally of approximately 75 miles through Chester County, PA, 
based on the board game Clue.  You will have to figure out Who killed 
the Rallymaster, What weapon was used, and Where the murder took 
place.  Join us at the finish for the awards ceremony.  Hot dogs and 
soft drinks included.  Location will be a park in Chester County.

This RoadRally is designed for novice rallyists.  It will include 
elementary (my dear Watson) route following instructions with clues 
to find, and questions to answer.  There are no traps on this rally, but 
you must be observant to stay on course and find the Clues.  There 
will be NO checkpoints.

Two people maximum in each car, a driver and a navigator.  Cars must 
be street legal and inspected. 

Two classes: Novice - Fewer than 6 rallies, driver and navigator combined, 
or Experienced Class. 

Car numbers will be consecutive, and will be assigned at registration.  
You will self-start at 12:00 noon plus your car number in minutes.  
Route instructions will be given out 20 minutes before you start.

Pre-registration is not required, but recommended.  Pre-register by mailing 
in your payment with the form below by August 15th and we will mail the 
General Instructions back to you.

Any questions call the Rallymaster, Allen Hefner, 215-884-1163, 
or e-mail:

Directions: The start is in the parking lot behind and below McDonalds, 
on Nutt Rd. (Route 23) and Kimberton Rd. (Route 113) in Phoenixville, 

Part #2 of the Philly Region Motorsports Weekend Dash Plaque to all 
(Collect all 3 parts of the special dash plaque by attending the Cruise 
Night on Friday and Solo II on Sunday.  Check our web site for more 
info on the Motorsports Weekend.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

WhoDunIt 2000 Rally - August 26, 2000 -  Philadelphia Region SCCA

Driver: _________________________

Phone: _________________________

Address: _________________________

City State Zip: _________________________

E-mail: _________________________

SCCA Region: _________________________

SCCA Member # _________________________
- - - - - - -
Navigator: _________________________

Phone: _________________________

Address: _________________________

City State Zip: _________________________

E-mail: _________________________

SCCA Region: _________________________

SCCA Member # _________________________
- - - - - - -
Novice (less than 6 rallies combined) _____ 
Experienced _____

Car model and year: _________________________

Please enclose payment of $15.00 per car for SCCA or BMC members, 
$20.00 for non-members. 
Make checks payable to: "Philadelphia Region SCCA", and mail to:
Allen Hefner, PO Box 286, Abington, PA 19001-0286

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