22014 was the first TR3a in Sep of 1957 (I think the 14th). 25633 was the
first car in 1958. In Bill Piggotts book (Original TR2/3/3A he references
23920 as being in Nov, 1957. My guess is that yours came out of Coventry in
Late October, 1957. As such the colors in my referenced web page are not
appropriate. I believe someone else gave you the early color selections.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pat [SMTP:pleask@mailhost.wlc.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 12:46 PM
To: Musson, Carl
Subject: Re: TR3A Paint colour choices ?
Thanks very much I'll ck that out. My S/N is TS23358 , any idea what
month/year it would have been made re paint ?
Thanks, Pat
----- Original Message -----
From: Musson, Carl <musson@chekhov.arts.usf.edu>
To: 'Pat' <pleask@mailhost.wlc.com>; TR <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 5:42 AM
Subject: RE: TR3A Paint colour choices ?
> Pat - there is a complete listing of TR3a colors on the VTR web site:
> http://www.vtr.org/TR3/tr3a-specs.html
> Also, I have put together a sample page at
> http://www.arts.usf.edu/~musson/triumph/tr-colors.html which covers late
> through the end of the model. You should realize that web based pictures
> are only an indication of color. Not all monitors display color exactly
> same.
> Hope this helps.
> Carl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pat [SMTP:pleask@mailhost.wlc.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 11:16 PM
> To: TR
> Subject: TR3A Paint colour choices ?
> I have started a "Project" 1958 TR3A (Heard the story before ? <G> )
> Do you know any web sites I can go to find out what colours they came in ?
> Along with a sample colour ? I have a mint TR4 A IRS so I am familiar with
> some colours.
> I think they came in :
> Signal Red
> Something Yellow
> Something Blue (Light)
> Grey ??????
> White
> Black
> Thanks,Pat