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BRIC weekend at Elkhart Lake july 20-23

To: <>
Subject: BRIC weekend at Elkhart Lake july 20-23
From: "Dave Terrick" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 15:48:55 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
Hi all:

so who is going?

I will be driving from Winnipeg (750 miles) via Minneapolis, likely on the
Thursday (daytime).  I have a friend who is racing a F Ford (and his wife,
too) and I will be crewing for them.  I am told this means just "being
there" near the scheduled sessions.  Otherwise, I fully intend to be a good
gearhead and personally visit each and every cool old car there - especially
the BRG ones!

I plan to camp at Plymouth Rock from Theresa. evening through Monday
morning. If anybody else is planning to camp there, perhaps we can share a
spot (camping "yankee" style is $50 Cdn per night per "family of 2 adults/2
kids....or portion thereof) !!.  So far, all our locals are going to the
Indycar race (shame on them, we did that LAST year) and I expect I may
travel solo.

ANY encouragement for me to bring my GT6 will be welcome.  I'd really like
to do the trip in the GT6 since it would be fitting for the occasion, but
there is a significant fuel cost increment,  a reliably issue,  certainly a
comfort issue....

And if any of you will also be there and reply to this,  I will put the
Honda in the garage and venture forth in my 2 tone TR. (Ohio was just too
damn far or I'd have been there - hope you all had fun)

Dave Terrick

PS:  anyone who may be along my route might want to chime in... so I can
find spare parts on the way  :)))))>


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