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Re: intriguing Engine question

To: "Steve Reilly" <>
Subject: Re: intriguing Engine question
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 19:47:20 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
References: <> <>
Hi Steve
Knowing someone who put a 2.5 lump in a Vittesse (similar chassis) and
having seen the amount of butchery needed to get the beefier gearbox in, if
the interior looks standard then I would guess that the box is the puny (in
comparison to the 2.5 saloon / TR box) GT6 box. I also know someone who
fitted the 2.5 lump to a GT6, after destroying the gear box and having it
replaced with a suitably strengthened unit he then destroyed the diff, so
beware you may not be able do use the potential of this car without major
expenses being incurred!

2500 PI MKII
Sprinted Dolomite
2000 MKI
1300 Front Wheel Drive

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Reilly <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: intriguing Engine question

> Members,
> I knew that the seats were Tr-6, so it seems that this is particular GT6
> has more in common than I first thought.  So now that we know that the 2.0
> Litre engine was replaced with a 2.5 Litre engine, my next few questions
> will be about the Carbs and drivetrain.
>   Seeing as the engine is a 2.5, I would be pretty sure that the Carbs are
> 175CD's.  The only identifying marks I found on the carbs however, were
> "53225F 915, and 53225R 9" around the Cap edge (4 screws) and
> "168T  / 169T" around the filter mount.  I would guess that "F" and "R"
> denote the position they are supposed to be, in relation to the car.
> I took a quick peek at the differential and gearbox, but did not see any
> identifying marks.  Where would I find these serial #'s?
> Knowing that the GT6 engine was replaced with the Larger TR-6 engine, This
> must have been one fast sucker in its day.  It is disappointing to find
> that this car is not as original as I thought it was, but then again, It
> was offered to me at a price I couldn't refuse.   FREE!!!
> Regards,
>   Steve Reilly
>   '69 GT/TR-6!
> At 07:36 PM 6/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >I do believe you have a TR-6 motor there Steve.
> >
> >No visual differences at all, it is all internal.  Longer throw crank,
> >giving the motor and extra 500cc of displacement.  Pretty much everything
> >else is the same, except the flywheels, and I think the oil sump is a bit
> >different.  The GT6 used 150CD carbs also, while the TR-6 used 175CDs...
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >--
> >Kai M. Radicke --
> >1966 MGB -- 1974 Triumph TR-6
> > (pix soon)
> >
> >
> >

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