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Re: intriguing Engine question

Subject: Re: intriguing Engine question
From: Steve Reilly <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 21:21:24 -0400
References: <>

I knew that the seats were Tr-6, so it seems that this is particular GT6
has more in common than I first thought.  So now that we know that the 2.0
Litre engine was replaced with a 2.5 Litre engine, my next few questions
will be about the Carbs and drivetrain.
  Seeing as the engine is a 2.5, I would be pretty sure that the Carbs are
175CD's.  The only identifying marks I found on the carbs however, were 
"53225F 915, and 53225R 9" around the Cap edge (4 screws) and 
"168T  / 169T" around the filter mount.  I would guess that "F" and "R"
denote the position they are supposed to be, in relation to the car.  

I took a quick peek at the differential and gearbox, but did not see any
identifying marks.  Where would I find these serial #'s?

Knowing that the GT6 engine was replaced with the Larger TR-6 engine, This
must have been one fast sucker in its day.  It is disappointing to find out
that this car is not as original as I thought it was, but then again, It
was offered to me at a price I couldn't refuse.   FREE!!!

  Steve Reilly
  '69 GT/TR-6!

At 07:36 PM 6/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I do believe you have a TR-6 motor there Steve.
>No visual differences at all, it is all internal.  Longer throw crank,
>giving the motor and extra 500cc of displacement.  Pretty much everything
>else is the same, except the flywheels, and I think the oil sump is a bit
>different.  The GT6 used 150CD carbs also, while the TR-6 used 175CDs...
>Kai M. Radicke --
>1966 MGB -- 1974 Triumph TR-6
> (pix soon)

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