The carbs I have on my '71 Stag are the 175 CD-2. That's the only no. that
I have. I am particularly looking for information on adjusting the by-bass
valve and the temp compensators.
----Original Message Follows----
Message text written by "sujit roy"
>I'm looking for a good book on ZS carbs especially ones the 175 CD-2
used on the Stag. Can anyone recommend one?
Haynes has a bookon Z-S carbs but it is so generaly that the chapter in the
TR6 manual is better for the TR6. What is in the Stag manual? What model
carbs are on a Stag?
57 TR3 (with SU's)
71 TR6 (with CD175SE)
80 TR8 (with CD175SET)