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RE: RPM and 'actual' speed

To: Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: RE: RPM and 'actual' speed
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 17:27:43 -0700
Oops !
In re-reading my previous reply, I see that I've used 'rpm' to mean 
revolutions per mile, instead of the more customary revolutions per minute.

To get the conversion factor between your tach reading (rpm in hundreds) 
and miles per hour, take revolutions per mile (as derived before), and 
divide it into 6000.

Thus to finish the example, 6000/2790 = 2.15.  So, at 4000 rpm, you are 
doing 40 * 2.15 = 86 mph.

Sorry for the confusion

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