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Re: Events for non-perfect cars

To: "David Greed" <>
Subject: Re: Events for non-perfect cars
From: David Massey <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 09:12:59 -0400
Cc: "Kevin Rhodes" <>, "David Massey" <>, "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "David Greed"
>For a gymkhana, we had the drivers coast the cars to a stop, ie. feet off
everything, gearbox in neutral. A passenger went along to confirm that the
brake pedal nor the hand brake was applied. Penalty points were awarded for
each meter past the designated stop point. Just for grins, it was placed on
a very slight downslope that many did not detect...

Did you require the tires to be inflated to spec?


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