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Re: Events for non-perfect cars

To: Roger Colson <>
Subject: Re: Events for non-perfect cars
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 21:28:42 -0600
Organization: Barely enough
References: <>

Roger Colson wrote:
> Hello All,
> One of the deciding factors in my purchasing a TR3 was the capability
> of using a starting handle.
> I have heard that some TRA meets have a cranking contest.  Here the
> engine must be in good condition.   Can you imagine a bunch of grown
> men cranking their cars for fun?   Let me join in!

Maybe it's time we all petitioned the VTR for a few more _appropriate_
awards (mine could win a few of these) to encourage greater

"The Dangling Award"
To the car most likely to have a part fall off on the way home.

"Electric Lawnmower Award"
The car with the greatest number of times at an event requiring "push to

"The Golden Ashtray Award"
To the owner who doesn't really see the point in emptying the ashtray
before a concours event. Note: there should be no discrimination
here--this should not be open only to smokers, but also to gum chewers,
McDonalds' fries fans, and the tidy electricians who deposit in their
ashtrays bits of stripped insulation, mis-crimped terminals and the

"The Gyro Gearloose Award"
Going to the most creative emergency repair on the way to the event.

"The Wing and a Prayer Award"
`Nuff said.

"The 50/50 Award"
To the worst paint job looking the best going 50 mph from 50 feet away.

"The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Award"
To the car missing the most of the factory-installed trim and badges
["We don' need no steeenking badges."]

"The Warshawsky Memorial Award"
To the car with the most J.C. Whitney parts installed. Cars with chrome
alternator and coil sleeves get double points for those items.

"The Big Daddy Roth Commemorative Plaque"
To the most highly customized car still discernable as a Triumph.

"The Salt Flats Award"
To the smallest Triumph with the biggest engine. Pounds per cubic inch.

"The Ezekial Prize"
Going to the car with the weirdest wheels.

"The Watergate Plumbers' Award"
To the car leaking the most fluids during an event. Weighted scale for
all possible fluids. 

"The AAA Certificate"
To the person who most dramatically lunches an engine during an event.
Certificate is accompanied by 1% of the total of registration fees to
help with the tow and the rebuild.

I'm sure everyone can think of others.... <smile>



Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM

`70 GT6+ (being refurbished, slowly)
`71 GT6 Mk. III (organ donor)
`72 GT6 Mk. III (daily driver)
`64 TR4 (awaiting intensive care)

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