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Re: Accidents and TR's

To: "Triumphs Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: Accidents and TR's
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 13:09:06 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
References: <a04310101b56aaa157270@[]>
Just over 5 years ago my wife was driving her 1981 TR8 to work when a young
driver lost control of his car and crossed over the center line hitting her
just off center on the drivers side head on. I can tell you that the hooks
on the inside of the bonnet do work they kept the bonnet from comming back
through the windshield. After the initial impact she slid over into the
right most lane and was rear ended by a minivan this spun her around and
landed her on a front lawn betewwn two large oak trees. There was not a
straight panel on the car. The injuries sustained were, two broken toes on
the left foot from where the wheel had started to come into the passenger
compartment, a shattered right knee cap from hitting the steering column and
a cut on the forhead from the rear view mirror letting loose. Also the
expected bruises and musle strains.

Ralph Jannelli

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