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Subject: Diamond-in-the-Rough/Waving
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 12:27:45 EDT

I'm a little tardy chiming in on the "participation/waving" thread but after 
yesterday's car show I thought I'd add a little bantor....

Yesterday's all British show was entirely a popular vote event....with the 
ever-fun diamond-in-the-rough category.  As usual at larger shows, there were 
many beautifully restored TRs, MGs, AH's, etc but there were also quite a few 
less-than-restored cars that were not in a diamond-in-the-rough award class.  
These cars were really fun to look at and their owners were always very 
willing to swap stories and discuss future plans for their cars.

I was very surprised (and delighted) that several of these less-than-perfect 
cars received some sort of award....I personally voted for several of these 
cars because, while they weren't totally concours perfect, they were the most 
visually appealing and had the highest "fun factor" in my mind.

All that said, my Spit which is a nicely preserved car (preserved, not 
restored), saw the most serious competiton of its show career!  I don't think 
I've ever seen so many early Spits in one spot let alone all of them in 
beautiful condition.  Oh well, we didn't bring home an award but what fun it 
was looking at correctly aligned sheet metal, period correct badges, matching 
numbers, ha! ha!

With regard to was one of the first indoctrinations into the 
LBC fold that I learned when I first joined the fold back in 1966 with a '58 
TR3A.  Waving was something you did to show friendship, kinship, whatever to 
your fellow British car owner - didn't matter whether they were driving a 
bugeye, midgit, waved - that's it plain & simple!  I know that 
my Dad always got a kick out of waving when he borrowed the 3 occasionally - 
he couldn't get over the pretty girls waving to him!  Perhaps, many of 
today's younger LBC owners haven't been taught the old ways so I guess it's 
up to us more senior members to spread the word:)


Chip Krout
'76 TR6 CF57822U (restoration underway)
'70 Spit Mk3  FDU78512L (basking in the sun!)

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