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RE: Participation

To: "Andy Dixon" <>
Subject: RE: Participation
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 09:32:08 -0400
Cc: "John Macartney" <>, "David Massey" <>, "Triumph List" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Andy Dixon"
>perhaps you don't know that national holidays in GB are called bank
so it's no wonder he took his money out.

On my first trip to the UK in 1998 we visited Stirling, Scotland and at the
time there was a whopping great tin shed over the main hall at the castle. 
I was told that the shed was for the restoration project.  And here I
thought that they just got such a good deal on it they couldn't resist. 

Dave (Fully aware that the Scots suffer from an undeserved reputation for
being overly frugal) Massey

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