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A-Type OD Question THANK YOU

Subject: A-Type OD Question THANK YOU
From: "Michael Ferguson" <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 00:03:56 -0500
Just wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you who offered your 
opinion on setting the OD solenoid/operating shaft on the A-type. Excellent
response! Many of you said that setting it via the alignment hole is often
not the answer. I tend to like the Mr. Finespanner article on the Healey
site ( for
those of you who missed it). LOTS of folks have said they used that method
and swear by it. The consensus seems to be...forget the "book".

Some of your comments:

"...should set the valve by determining that the ball valve lifts between
1/32 and 1/16 inch with the solenoid on. Setting by aligning the hole in the
lever with the hole in the case is bad news..."

"Finespanners approach worked for me.  Highly recommended."

"...If the cam inside is not in the proper place (within very close
tolerances) OR if the rod is a little short OR if the indicator lever on the
other side is not in the proper position the O/D won't engage with the holes
lined up.  I've run across this several times and the best results are with
about 1/8 inch of additional travel beyond where you feel the increase in

"I didn't do the 3/64" ball raising thing, I just played with the adjustment
with the car on the road and the tranny tunnel off. So far so good - 5 years
or more. One thing if you do it this way, I made sure I didn't get in a
situation that required reverse until I was done and was sure the OD was
disengaging with the switch off."

To be fair, I did get a dissenting vote suggesting that the holes SHOULD
align, and if they don't, there must be something wrong internally. Further,
that if I don't correct whatever it is, I could be asking for serious
problems due to incomplete OD engagement. If so many of you hadn't said,
essentially, 'The holes don't line up? So what else is new?', I'd be more
concerned about this possibility. Hope you guys are right...

Thanks again!

Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A  TS53990L ("O", almost)


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