Message text written by "David A. Templeton"
>I am going to replace the rear oil seal this weekend and realized that the
engine is being supported by the rear bellhousing plate. If I let off the
jack will the engine be okay supporting itself only on the engine mounts?
No. the engine will rotate and could possible tear the engine mounts.
Support the back of the engine by placing a jack under the oil sump (with a
block of wood). Or support it from above using a sling.
If the GT6 engine is like the TR6 engine the seal is pressed into an
attachment on the back of the engine and the oil sump has two or so
attachment bolts that screw into it. At any rate you will likely spoil the
gasket removing the plate so why not just drop the pan and put on a fresh
And while you are in there why not replace the bearing inserts? And the
oil pump? And... sorry.
Good luck.