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BMIHT has a hopeful future

To: "Triumphs List" <>, "2000- Register" <>, "FOT" <>
Subject: BMIHT has a hopeful future
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 11:00:04 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
In haste.
"Uncle Henry" has signed along the line that is dotted and bought the Heritage 
Centre from BMW as another part of the Land Rover deal. This is not alleged to 
have been
in his original focus in the acquisition of Land Rover and it looks as though 
the transfer
of the Centre to the London Science Museum will not now take place. Hopefully, 
we'll see
other cars coming into the collection or going on longer term display that will 
make the
Museum more truly representative of the former British motor industry. Jaguar 
could come
back (in part), Aston Martin too - and yes it would be great to see some 100E 
side valved
Fords with vacuum windscreen wipers. If they don't repair that leak in the 
roof, we might
be able to see if the wipers still work!  Perhaps Henry might even really 
stretch things
and let us have some Vauxhalls, Hillmans, Humbers, Singers and Sunbeams. Hell, 
might even become a mini version of Dearborn. - and dare I say it, there's a 
chance it
could even turn in a profit!


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