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virus, high LBC content

To: Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: virus, high LBC content
From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 21:48:44 -0600
Organization: Crave Technology
I rather not admit that I clicked on one of these virus-bearing
attachments. Sent from one of my own [computer] consultants, but since
she'd just joked "I love you -- for moving me to this great new
client..." -- well, the "ILOVEYOU" attachment didn't seem out of the
ordinary. Fixed now, but it's the real thing. I don't use Outlook, so I
can't "spread" the virus, but... DID wipe out all my jpegs, mainly a bunch of photos of british
cars and photos of animals for my kids. I'll visit the SOL site and VTR,
but if you have favorite links to british car photos that I shouldn't
miss, please send them my way. Of course, the boys are huge TR4 fans,
but bugeyes and older [gasp] MGs are also popular. If any of you have a
*huge* bunch of photos that you could burn on a CD, that'd be great. Um,
it'd also let you keep an offsite backup at my house in case you click
the wrong attachment. <g>

Steven Newell
'62 TR4, but don't ask me for photos....

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