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Re: Masking tape removal

To: "Triumphs List" <>
Subject: Re: Masking tape removal
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 20:49:17 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
One of the joys of reading the digest is that its difficult to detect tone or 
intensity of
concern when queries are submitted. I've just been having quite a chuckle to 
myself about
how to remove adhesive and the 'Skin so Soft' routine had me splitting a gut. 
Ye gods,
some of you guys'll be spraying your cars pink soon - or have you done it 
already and not
owned up to it?
My method of getting this stuff off is simple - if not fraught with 
I've got a much battered enamel bowl which holds about a pint of petrol (okay, 
and I keep it full. I then soak some clean rag in the fluif, ensure the car is 
in the
garage with the doors and windows shut tight, there's still a really strong 
smell of paint
thinners hanging on the air - and then I light a fag. Mostly, I use my old 
Zippo lighter -
the one with the four foot flame, take a deep lungful and inevitably collapse 
into a
coughing fit. Sometimes this can go on for at least ten minutes - I've never 
really liked
filter tips. This means I have to put the rag, the lit fag and the enamel bowl 
one another and its usually quite close to the opened jerrican of petrol. 
Having turned my
lungs inside out and given them a good shake, I eventually return to my labours 
streaming eyes.
This procedure may do little to reduce the greenhouse effect, it may be 
incorrect and totally anti-social - and yes, it's a filthy habit as well - but 
I'm past
the stage of life where I care too much about filthy habits, of any sort. In 
fact, truth
to tell, I'm an active supporter of quite a lot of them. The bottom line is 
that I console
myself in the knowledge that this is the way Tom Hipkiss, Jim Frobisher and a 
good many
others removed masking tape at the factory over many years - and if it was good 
enough for
them, it's good enough for me - ducky. Kiss kiss

Cheers (cough)

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