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Re: TR3A engine rebuild

Subject: Re: TR3A engine rebuild
From: "" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 06:22:14 PDT
>From: Cliff Pike <>
>Reply-To: Cliff Pike <>
>To: Triumphs List <>
>Subject: TR3A engine rebuild
>Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 18:48:28 -0400
>Hi Listers,
>My TR3A engine has been dismantled for about 6 months now,
>with the liners still in place, and my mechanic friend who
>is overseeing the rebuild feels that the pistons and liners
>are in good condition. However,we think that we may replace
>everything in any case, just to be sure. Is there any reason
>to question the integrity of the seals at the bottom of the
>liners, given that the head was removed some 6 months ago,
>if we decide not to replace the liners themselves?
>Thanks in advance for any advice that might be forthcoming.
>Cliff Pike (temporarily out of lurk mode..)

   I'd err on the side of pulling the cylinders and replacing the
   figure 8 washers... At least you will be sure of the seal instead
   of taking a chance and having to tear the engine down again later.
   Besides you can use the opportunity to totally hot tank the block
   and clean out the rust flakes on the inside of the water jacket.
   I took a week of evenings with a wire brush, and old dental tools
   to do mine last time. I haven't regretted it. I think the car runs
   a tad cooler, although I don't have positive proof.


Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois       1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...

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