1954 TR2 7k original miles ammeter opened over a couple of week period. Was
intermittent,. Cause --cold solder joint in ammeter, suggest resoldering
ammeter as peventative measure when restoring or as deemed fit.
Randall wrote:
> Most likely bad/corroded connections on the back. Another possibility would
> be a short causing too much current, but my experience has been that the
> wires will burn out before the ammeter does. The voltage regulator is an
> unlikely suspect, since the ammeter will handle far more current than the
> stock generator can generate.
> Randall
> 59 TR3A daily driver
> dyaarl anderson wrote :
> >
> > What would cause my AMP gauge to burn up ? Old age, too much juice,
> > voltage regulator screwed up or all of the above? Any ideas out there.
> > Thanks
> >
> >